Last night the radio antenna was stolen from my car. Fair enough, it's only a screw on one, but that's not the point. Why should I have to put myself out to take a trip all the way to a car parts place to fork out a few pounds for a new one, when I did nothing wrong in the first place!?
And I'll bet it was done by chavs.
Fair enough, it's not nice to stereotype. I tend to hang around with people who others have referred to as "scary", mainly because of tattoos, dyed black hair, piercings, loud rock music and motorcycles, but I've never ever met any goths/skaters/rockers/bikers that weren't some of the friendliest, most welcoming groups of people I have ever met.
I frequent some rock clubs, and if a "townie" goes in, no one looks twice. Yet my brother has been physically abused by random strangers because of his "rock" look, and, of course, they were chavs.
All the chavs I see are usually up to no good. Hanging round in supermarket entrances, car parks, playgrounds, McDonalds. And why?? Who knows?! How sad can life be?
I saw a while ago a piece on ITV news entitled "The State We're In" which had a feature on crime. It featured footage of youths actually committing crimes whilst knowingly being filmed. They then hurled a heavy object at the cameraman.
And I'll give you three guesses what social category these youths fit into...
Get a life you sad sad people. Do something. Go college, get a good job. Don't sit there on street corners shouting abuse at passers-by. They don't want to hear it, and quite frankly, you're making their lives a misery.
That's me done.
And I'll bet it was done by chavs.
Fair enough, it's not nice to stereotype. I tend to hang around with people who others have referred to as "scary", mainly because of tattoos, dyed black hair, piercings, loud rock music and motorcycles, but I've never ever met any goths/skaters/rockers/bikers that weren't some of the friendliest, most welcoming groups of people I have ever met.
I frequent some rock clubs, and if a "townie" goes in, no one looks twice. Yet my brother has been physically abused by random strangers because of his "rock" look, and, of course, they were chavs.
All the chavs I see are usually up to no good. Hanging round in supermarket entrances, car parks, playgrounds, McDonalds. And why?? Who knows?! How sad can life be?
I saw a while ago a piece on ITV news entitled "The State We're In" which had a feature on crime. It featured footage of youths actually committing crimes whilst knowingly being filmed. They then hurled a heavy object at the cameraman.
And I'll give you three guesses what social category these youths fit into...
Get a life you sad sad people. Do something. Go college, get a good job. Don't sit there on street corners shouting abuse at passers-by. They don't want to hear it, and quite frankly, you're making their lives a misery.
That's me done.